About this guide
This document provides a brief introduction to the API (Application Programming Interface) of Quantellia’s World Modeler™ Decision Intelligence Hub. It is intended for programmers and other technically oriented personnel who are familiar with using REST (Representational State Transfer) interfaces to consume the data and functionality made available by application servers. This document provides an introduction to the World Modeler™ (WM) Decision Intelligence Hub REST API, and is suitable both for programmers who are new to the World Modeler platform, and for those who need to refresh their knowledge or clarify conceptual issues. The Programmers Guide is not a comprehensive API reference. This is provided in the document Quantellia World Modeler: REST API Reference.

Standards Compliance
The World Modeler™ Decision Intelligence Hub REST API is being developed to be compliant with the emerging OpenDI Standard. Quantellia is a member of the body currently forming the Open DI Standards Committee. Note that the specifications that will ultimately make up the standard are currently in draft form and may change. In this case, Quantellia will continue to ensure that the World Modeler™ Decision Intelligence Hub API remains compliant with the current published standard. At the time of writing, the work-in-progress version of the OpenDI standard can be found here.
Organization of this guide
The sections in the remainder of the Programmers Guide are:
1. Architecture of World Modeler Server
3. Authentication and authorization
Since each section builds on, or assumes knowledge of, material from the previous sections, it is strongly recommended that those new to the World Modeler Server API read each of the sections in the sequence listed above.
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